one reason why many christians do not read the ot is out of sheer ignorance. they do not understand the book or fail to see any relevance in reading it today. i can understand because the ot has 39 books in all. many of them are obscure and difficult to read. e.g. who would want to read the book of leviticus today? seriously, what can any christian get out of reading about laws of sacrifices, consecration of priests etc? it all depends how you read the ot. i choose to read it from a literary perspective - treating the ot not just as God's word but also human beings' words. it was written by many different people thousands of years ago, but each with his or her literary talents and gifts that God employed. like any ancient literature e.g. Homer's Iliad or the Mahabrathra, one can employ literary techniques and skills to read and enjoy the high literary qualities of the ot that makes us wonder how God's word written in human words can still be powerful and life-transforming.