just returned from kl wesley where i preached the final section on the Song of Songs on chapters 7 and 8. it had been an enriching 4 weeks as preaching through a series has its advantages for both preacher and the audience. for me, it forces me to work through the whole book unlike usual sermons where we focus on just a few verses. not only do i have to work through some basic assumptions e.g. authorship, dating, structure etc, i have to make sure i am consistent each week as i cover the 2 chapters. i cannot be found contradicting myself if i preached one week that i believe the book is about solomon and the next week where i think otherwise.

for the audience, it helps them to go through a biblical book. most sermons today in churches either follow the lectionary readings. while this practice is good, most preachers tend to use only the gospel readinsg to preach. so the churches get to hear only the gospel message year in and year out. some pastors work through a biblical book but it is hard work. churches will be blessed in many ways as they will get to see the wider perspective as well as the importance of reading and systematiclly working and wrestling through the whole book. if they are fed on piecemeal each sunday, their knowledge of the Word would also be piecemeal.

well, what's next after the series? hopefully, if i can find time, i will put together what i have worked through these 4 weeks and add some more stuff and maybe a book in the old testament made simple series may come out.
