in old testament studies today, many newer discipline are employed like hermeneutics of suspicion, deconstruction, reader-response theory etc. while these disciplines will be bewildering to the non-specialists, here is one great cartoon from non-sequitur which probably explain what 'hermeneutics of suspicion' is for the non-specialists. in this discipline, you are susposed not to trust your usual basic way of interpreting but to question even your basic premise. ask yourself how the story or narrative really should be told.
in old testament studies today, many newer discipline are employed like hermeneutics of suspicion, deconstruction, reader-response theory etc. while these disciplines will be bewildering to the non-specialists, here is one great cartoon from non-sequitur which probably explain what 'hermeneutics of suspicion' is for the non-specialists. in this discipline, you are susposed not to trust your usual basic way of interpreting but to question even your basic premise. ask yourself how the story or narrative really should be told.