edward harris and the harris matrix free download

The Harris Matrix was invented in 1973 by Dr. Edward C. Harris and for the first time provided archaeologists with a means to view stratigraphic sequences in diagram form. It has since been adopted by professionals worldwide.

Additionally it is also the home of "35th Anniversary of the Harris Matrix" - the International Conference on Archaeological Stratigraphy, held in Vienna, Austria, 17th to 19th of September 2008.

The International Conference on Archaeological Stratigraphy is organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences, VIAS - Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, University of Vienna and the Bermuda Maritime Museum.

Good news - the book is free for download. go to the link below:


they require you to give your name and email adrress and the reason why you want a copy of the book. just state that you are a student of the OT! the pdf file is about 38.4 mb
