Peter Enns's book Inspiration and Incarnation created a two-year theological battle that resulted in his suspension.
Sarah Pulliam posted 4/01/2008 04:05PM
Westminster Theological Seminary's board voted to suspend tenured professor Peter Enns last week after a two-year theological debate over his 2005 book, Inspiration and Incarnation.
[Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament
by Peter Enns
Baker Academic, 2005
197 pp. $17.99, paper]
The board chairman, the president, and the secretary of the board addressed a standing-room-only group of students for about 30 minutes Tuesday morning to discuss the board's decision.
The board voted 18-9 to suspend Enns, an Old Testament professor whose book created controversy on how to interpret the Westminster Confession of Faith, a 1646 document that the faculty must affirm.
Read below link for the rest of the article from Christianity Today:
Westminster Theological Suspension
what is the westminster confession of faith? see the link below:
westminster seminary explains its beliefs:
for reviews of enn's books:
Update (20/5/2008):
some more links to the debate. see tyler williams' response at:
and dr jerry shepherd's email to the canadian evangelical theological association:
Sarah Pulliam posted 4/01/2008 04:05PM
Westminster Theological Seminary's board voted to suspend tenured professor Peter Enns last week after a two-year theological debate over his 2005 book, Inspiration and Incarnation.
[Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament
by Peter Enns
Baker Academic, 2005
197 pp. $17.99, paper]
The board chairman, the president, and the secretary of the board addressed a standing-room-only group of students for about 30 minutes Tuesday morning to discuss the board's decision.
The board voted 18-9 to suspend Enns, an Old Testament professor whose book created controversy on how to interpret the Westminster Confession of Faith, a 1646 document that the faculty must affirm.
Read below link for the rest of the article from Christianity Today:
Westminster Theological Suspension
what is the westminster confession of faith? see the link below:
westminster seminary explains its beliefs:
for reviews of enn's books:
Update (20/5/2008):
some more links to the debate. see tyler williams' response at:
and dr jerry shepherd's email to the canadian evangelical theological association: