bible blog

logos bible software has put up a bible blog:

it is a collection of bible blogs personally invited by logos to be allowed to be linked together on the blog. oldtestamentpassion and sivinkit'sgarden are the 2 from malaysia. browse through some of the sites. you may find some interesting ones.


Paul Long said…
Sabah is under Indonesia? :-(
probably the word 'borneo' confused our american friends. i wrote to the guy concerned at logos about the 'mistake'. anyway, i checked the blog and it has nothing to do with the bible. more of a tourism and nature website showcasing sabah.
Paul Long said…
I am not sure how they choose blogs but seems a bit strange to me that it is so clear if you look at the blog that Sabah is in Malaysia.

Also for the reason you mentioned and the fact that it was last updates almost 1 year ago (June 2007)makes me wonder if the LOGOS people bother to properly check / update their blog roll ... :-(
i think the blog is not a high priority for them. they asked me for permission to link my blog and also whether i can link their blog with mine. so, the way i looked at it, it is more of a case of trying to get some free publicity for them.
blogpastor said…
Congrats Anthony. I think it is also because your blog is notable.
i'm not sure it is because it is 'notable'. maybe there are just not many OT blogs around.