no more ideas?

The meaning of a phd

According to Canadian icon and humorist Stephen Leacock in the preface to his 1912 classic, Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town:

'The meaning of this degree is that the recipient of instruction is examined for the last time in his life, and is pronounced completely full. After this, no new ideas can be imparted to him'.


and here i am trying to complete my phd! no more new ideas can be imparted to me after i finish my phd?

sounds like a story i read recently in the Sandman series entitled 'calliope' where a writer has mental block, cannot write any more stories, managed to get a muse, becomes successful with novels after novels, but one day she appeals to morpheus the dream king who pleas with the writer to free the muse but he refused because he wants ideas for his novels. so the sandman proceed to fill the writer with tons of ideas and to cut the story short, in the end the story finishes with the muse set free, she forgave the writer, the dream king stops the ideas from coming to the writer's head and voila! he is back to square one but with no more further ideas in his head and no more novels!

sounds scary for people like us. no more ideas? no more insights? no more gems? btw, go and read the series. can be found in mph, borders etc. the box edition is a whoping rm 325.oo per box! there are 11 volumes in the sandman series.
