life without the sun

last sunday, i preached in wesley methodist church segamat and my text was from ecclesiastes 8. i have been preaching one chapter from the book of ecclesiastes each month. in chapter 8, the Preacher was painting a portrait of the life 'under the sun', one of his favourite key phrases. this is life on the horizontal level, a life on the secular and materialistic level without God in the picture.

just today during tea time in the seminary, one of the students commented about his life in the secular world before he came to study in STM. so i said that was his life 'under the sun'. he corrected it to 'life without the sun'. he explained why - 'everyday i go to work before sunrise to beat the traffic jams and i only get home in the night. all day i am in my air-conditioned room working in front of my computer. so I don't get to see the sun for 5 days. the only 'sun' is the light from my computer. on saturdays, i don't work but i sleep and stay in my house for the whole day. it is only on sunday that i go to church and after the service, i come out from the church and see the sun. no wonder it is sun-day for me.'

man, that is what is literally called a life 'without the sun'!!
