back to work, back to thesis writing

after a brief weekend in kampar to celebrate my dad's 80th birthday with a family lunch, it is back to seremban, back to work, and back to thesis writing. there is a constant reminder from all around to get the thesis done before the new semester begins, before the work of teaching and academic administration pile up. sometimes this is easier said than done with constant interruptions and admin work calling.... maybe got to hide somewhere inaccesible with only my thesis work.

this sunday got to go to penang with my children. markus is one of the 8 representatives for malaysia in the world youth scrabble competition to be held in city bayview hotel from 8-11th dec 2008. maybe that enforced break will give some space to do some editing work on the thesis. but penang is tempting for food....?



You better finish writing that thesis. Writing a thesis demands a lot of hard work but it is something that cannot be put aside.

Claude Mariottini
tq dr for the reminder again. it is always a balancing act.
Steven Sim said…
U coming to Pg on Sunday?

Call me up, if you have time...unless you want to hide behind the walls for your thesis...I think I am available except in about 4-6pm or so.

my hp: 0125907507

Steven Sim
we'll have time to catch up. my son markus is coming for scrabble competition over tues to thurs. we'll leave only on friday. we can meet one of the nights.