holy week

time flies. the year seems to have just started for 2009 and we are now in holy week. this is the week christians celebrate and remember the final week of jesus' life on earth.

thursday is maundy thursday (from latin mandatum - commandment) where there will be a holy communion service organized by wesley methodist church seremban but held in stm chapel.

friday is good friday. traditionally churches have good friday services beginning from 9am till 3pm where the 7 last words of jesus are shared. tumc is having a night good friday service at 8pm in tumc.

saturday is traditionally called low saturday. the church cancels all activities and christians are encouraged to fast and pray.

sunday is easter sunday, the day where jesus rose from the dead. tumc will be having our usual morning easter service at 9a,. the reb will be preaching the easter sermon and celebrating holy communion. usually the church ends with a lunch where everyone enjoys a time of fellowship together.


Alex Tang said…
I do not know Holy Saturday is also called 'low saturday.'

Wednesday is called Spy Wednsday because Judas spied on the group and betrayed Jesus.


Is there a OT or Jewish equivalent for Holy Week?
Reb Anthony Loke said…
obviously, no since the jews don't accept jesus as the messiah.

since maundy thursday coincides with the jewish passover and the passover is celebrated 1 week, this would be the only thing that coincides within the holy week.