edinburgh 2010

edinburgh 2010 is around the corner (literally). stm is hosting the edinburgh 2010 consultation next week from monday onwards. for more details see stm's website or click here for schedule.

below is a similar consultation held in korea. you can go to the web and click on the pdf files for the articles.


Papers presented at the Seoul Consultation, 22-24 March 2009

The following papers were presented at the consultation on 'Mission spirituality and authentic discipleship', which took place at Youngnak Presbyterian Church, Seoul, South Korea on 22-24 March 2009. These papers are made available for download here as pdf files with the kind permission of their authors. They are listed in order of presentation. The papers do not necessarily represent the views of the sponsors of Edinburgh 2010.

* Valentin Kozhuharov, 'Mission in an Orthodox context: the Russian Orthodox Church's mission for the new century'

* Clemens Mendoca, ''Mission according to the Catholic Church in Asia: a new way of being church'

* Nicta Makiika, 'Doing mission at the margins of society: harnessing the resources of local vision'

* Serah Wambua, 'Mission spirituality and authentic discipleship: an African reflection'

* David Emmanuel Singh, 'Sadhu Sundar Singh and Narayana Vamana Tilak: some lessons for mission thinking/practice in India'

* Kim-Kown Chan, 'Mission movement of the Christian community in Mainland China: the "Back to Jerusalem" movement'

* Tereso C. Casino, 'Mission in the context of Filipino folk spirituality: Bahala Na as a case in point'

* Chul-shin Lee, 'Spirituality and Christian mission: a journey of Youngnak Presbyterian Church, Seoul, Korea

* Scott C. Todd, 'Spiritual formation and discipleship in childhood'

* Chul-shin Lee (2), 'Dr Kyung-Chik Han's early life and ministry: a model for Korean church leadership'
