new article

the reb and his wife co-wrote a 5,000 word article entitled 'Using the Bible in the Family as a Guide for Life' for the ISG (international study guide) Vol. 41 on Understanding and Using the Bible, edited by Christopher J.H. Wright and Jonathan Lamb (SPCK: London, 2009).


sp lim said…
Is it available at local Christian bookstores? SPCK Publications are normally quite expensive unless it's being subsidized by Langham Partnership.
Alex Tang said…
congratulations. It is always wonderful to see your hard work on print.
unfortunately, local bookstores do not usually stock these titles. the price is 12.99 pounds from spck online (not including postage)! i can get it with a 35% discount. maybe on my next trip to uk, i pop over to london and grab a few copies and bring back in my luggage!!
thank alex. it was a joint family collaboration.
sp lim said…
Can I place my order now? :)
looks like i will make a detour to london to get a few copies on my next trip to oxford. if i can save on the postage, the cost will come to ~RM48.00 per copy.
chils said…
Congratulations indeed!

So will STM library stock a copy?
i have informed christabel but not sure whether she will order or when to order.
Steven Sim said…
Congrats! It's wonderful to have a co-sojourner, esp. in writing work. :D

The fruits of two minds...lovely!

Steven Sim
tq steven. maybe the beginning of more joint efforts!