special book offer

Hear and Be Wise: Becoming a Teacher and Preacher of Wisdom
By: Alyce M. McKenzie
Abingdon Press / 2004 / Paperback

the reb managed to get 18 copies of the above book as part of the course books for second semester stm course on wisdom literature. the above is cheap... CHEAP!! only RM 15.00 per book (after including postage). get your copy before it is all sold.

the book basically shows what are the 4 pillars of wisdom drawing on principles from the OT wisdom literature and relating them to modern pastoral responsibilities. a very useful book to see how OT can be relevant as well as how the pastor/teacher today can model OT principles in their lives and in their teaching.


Latest: Only 1 left! 18/2/2010. if others still want, the reb may have to place another order again.


sp lim said…
Please reserve one for me if there is any left after those who will be taking the course bought them. I think priority should be given to them. Thanks.
Unknown said…
I want one too....
it is also first come first serve. i don't want my money to be stuck in the books.
Unknown said…
Rabbi, i have discussed with other classmates: Chow Leong, Samuel M., Sam Chong, Samnang, Shearn and Kevin. They all want it too.

So all together including me will be 7 copies...

Thanks Rabbi
Lee Chee Keat said…
Please reserve one for me too. I will pay you on thursday when I return to STM. Thanks..Chee Keat.
Already bought it from CBD last year, an interesting one!
chils said…
please reserve one for me as well. Pay up next Tuesday class.
chils said…
Correction Sir, we need a total of three please. One each for Chris Toh, David Ting and me.
Paul Long said…
Special book offers sure get a lot of responses :-)
save whenever we can!
pearlie said…
I'm late :) any left. I'd like one too. Thx.
u are no. 14 out of 18! will keep 1 for u.
pearlie said…
Wonderful! Thanks :) You could pass it to Chee Keat and I'll get it from his wife. And I'm sure he can pay for me first - I'll email him.
pearlie, chee keat paid for your copy again.
sp lim said…
I've passed the money to Chee Ling.
Unknown said…
Reb, can reserve 1 copy for me? I can pay to Sarah. Michael Lim here.
it's already sold out. i checked with publishers - also all gone.