jeff kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid. the book is now made into a movie and will be released in spring. if you have not read the book, it is fun. the reb only read the first 2 volumes. probably 5 or more volumes out by now..
see the website below for 11 clips from the movie.,17742420-1000-wmv-s.100853894-,17742420-700-flash-s.100853888-,17742420-1000-flash-s.100853889-,17742420-700-wmv-s.100853891-,17742420-300-flash-s.100853883-,17742423-2700-qtv-s.100853895-,17742423-6800-qtv-s.100853896-,17742423-10300-qtv-s.100853897-