the reb is going to tell you all that it is an awesome time to do OT studies at STM now. why is it so?
well, take a look below at who's who in the OT department:
rev dr paul barker (former vicar and OT specialist)
PhD (Gloucester)
studied under prof gordon wenham (gloucester)
areas: Deuteronomy, OT general, biblical theology, OT theology, preaching, expository preaching
dr peter lau (former medical doctor and OT specialist)
PhD (Sydney)
thesis examined by prof gordon wenham
areas: ruth, history and theology of the exile, literary criticism
rev anthony loke (aka the reb)(jack of all trades, master of ...)
PhD candidate (OCMS, Wales)
supervised by prof hugh g.m. williamson (oxford) and dr philip johnston (cambridge)
areas: isaiah, psalms, wisdom literature, prophets, OT general, hebrew language
and if you thought that's all, we have two more in the chinese department who are bilingual:
pastor elaine goh (aka the reb's first disciple)(former pastor and OT specialist-to-be)
DTheol (SEAGST) candidate
being supervised by prof seow choon leong (princeton)
areas: wisdom literature, psalms, isaiah, OT general, hebrew language
and lastly, not to forget multi-talented OT scholar and missiologist,
rev dr philip siew (pastor, OT specialist, and missiologist)
PhD (Fuller)
supervised by dr peter wagner (fuller)
areas: OT general, prophets, psalms, wisdom literature, hebrew language, missions, evangelism, preaching
now, didn't the reb tell you again that it is an awesome time to do OT studies in STM?
well, take a look below at who's who in the OT department:
rev dr paul barker (former vicar and OT specialist)
PhD (Gloucester)
studied under prof gordon wenham (gloucester)
areas: Deuteronomy, OT general, biblical theology, OT theology, preaching, expository preaching
dr peter lau (former medical doctor and OT specialist)
PhD (Sydney)
thesis examined by prof gordon wenham
areas: ruth, history and theology of the exile, literary criticism
rev anthony loke (aka the reb)(jack of all trades, master of ...)
PhD candidate (OCMS, Wales)
supervised by prof hugh g.m. williamson (oxford) and dr philip johnston (cambridge)
areas: isaiah, psalms, wisdom literature, prophets, OT general, hebrew language
and if you thought that's all, we have two more in the chinese department who are bilingual:
pastor elaine goh (aka the reb's first disciple)(former pastor and OT specialist-to-be)
DTheol (SEAGST) candidate
being supervised by prof seow choon leong (princeton)
areas: wisdom literature, psalms, isaiah, OT general, hebrew language
and lastly, not to forget multi-talented OT scholar and missiologist,
rev dr philip siew (pastor, OT specialist, and missiologist)
PhD (Fuller)
supervised by dr peter wagner (fuller)
areas: OT general, prophets, psalms, wisdom literature, hebrew language, missions, evangelism, preaching
now, didn't the reb tell you again that it is an awesome time to do OT studies in STM?
but I am puzzled why Dr Lau's thesis examined by Gordon Wenham? since the latter is not so much of literary school....
God is certainly blessing STM!!Praise be to God!