thesis pre-viva date finally confirmed as 22nd june 2010 in oxford OCMS. will go there a week earlier to acclimatize to time zone difference, as well as meeting with my 2 supervisors, one in oxford and the other in cambridge (the reb hates the bus ride from oxford to cambridge which takes 3 hours zigzagging thro small towns and villages! would you believe in UK that there is no direct express bus between the 2 major cities?).
also just booked flights to UK but because it is summer time, mas flights were not cheap by this time. a return flight costs ~rm 5,500! so had to try airasia for the first time on a long distance haul. with luggage fee, meals, seat booking plus taxes and convenience fee (they charged rm 5 for each transaction becos i use credit card to pay!), everything came up to rm 3,928. but still managed to save about rm 1,500 cf. MAS, so no real complaints whatsoever (only whimpering).
real difficulty is leaving malaysia at 1am in the wee hours of the morning on tuesday and arriving same day at 8am in stansted airport.
note: my colleague asks me to go to cambridge when i arrive since it is only 1 hour away from the airport. very tempting! but go to look for a place to stay!