my writings & publications (as of 25th april 2012)

My Writings (as of 25th April 2012)

Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘The Lord Has Forsaken Us: A Form and Rhetorical Study on Isaiah 49:14-50:3.’ Unpublished M.Theol Thesis. SEAGST, 1996.
Articles on ‘Proverbs’ and ‘Psalms.’ In Pelita Methodist. Petaling Jaya: Methodist Church in Malaysia, 1999-2004.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Unpublished Paper on ‘Deutero-Isaiah and the Relevance for the Malaysian Situation.’ Presented at the STM Graduate Seminar, 25th September 2003.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Proverbs Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple Series. Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, 2003.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Ecclesiastes Chapters 1-3.’ Light For Our Path 2004. Selly Oaks: International Bible Reading Association, 2003.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Biblical Parties with a Twist.’ Light For Our Path 2005. Selly Oaks: International Bible Reading Association, 2004.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Conspiracy, Sign or Silence? Some Islamic Responses in the Aftermath of the Asian Tsunami.’ Paper presented to the Seminar on ‘In the Shadow of the Wave: Reading Religious Texts in the Light of the Wave’ at the SBL International Meeting from June 26th - July 1st 2005, Singapore.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Family Matters: The Family of God.’ Light For Our Path 2006. Selly Oaks: International Bible Reading Association, 2005.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Job Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple Series. Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, 2006
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘The Rhythm of Life: A Time to Love and A Time to Hate.’ Light For Our Path 2007. Selly Oaks: International Bible Reading Association, 2006.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai, ‘Creation: A Re-reading of Genesis 1 and 2.’ Paper delivered at the ATESEA/SEAGST Seminar-Workshop 2006 Preserving Mother Earth: Our Theological Concern on 2nd October 2006 in STM, Seremban.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘There and Back Again: Reading an Exilic Text for the Post 1987 Operation Lalang Malaysian Church.’ Encounters Mission Ezine. Issue 16 (2006).  Date Accessed: 1st December 2006.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘God’s Word for One’s Life.’ Asian Beacon. Vol. 39.1 (February-March 2007) 12-14.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Proverbs: The Benefits of Wisdom.’ Light For Our Path 2008. Selly Oaks: International Bible Reading Association, 2007.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai, ‘Konspirasi, Peringatan atau Kebisuan? Beberapa Respon Umat Islam Terhadap Tsunami Yang Melanda Asia.’ (Translated by Ery Prasadja) Jurnal Transformasi Vol. 3.2 (2007) 19-37.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Proverbs 1-9.’ In Asian Reflections Year Three (January-June). Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, 2007, 291-317.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Proverbs 10-22.’ In Asian Reflections Year Three (July-December). Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, 2007, 129-55
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Proverbs 23-31.’ In Asian Reflections Year Three (July-December). Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, 2007, 351-77.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Memahami Kitab Amsal. Translated by Jubilee Apin and Florence Ajadap. Kota Kinabalu: Seminari Teologi Sabah, 2007.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘The Depths of Human Depravity: “Every Man Did What was Right in His Own Eyes” (Judges 21:25b).’ Asian Beacon. Vol. 40.2 (April-May 2008) 8.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Is God Real?: A Short Commentary from the Book of Job.’ Kairos. (April 2008) 30, 34.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Mandat Penciptaan dalam Kejadian 1 & 2.’ (BI Translation by Ery Prasadja) Jurnal Transformasi. Vol. 4.2 (2008) 1-9.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Conspiracy, Signs or Silence? Some Islamic Responses to the Tsunami.’ MATS Journal. Vol. 2 (2008) 128-45.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Idols: Making the Appropriate Choice.’ Light For Our Path 2009. Selly Oak: International Bible Reading Association, 2008.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Psalms 139-150.’ In Asian Reflections Year Four. Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, 2008, 331-351.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Forgotten Treasures: God’s Prophets of the Old Testament.’ Kairos. (December 2008) 3-5.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Intergenerational Curses and Covenant Blessings: Bane or Boon?’ Kairos. (April 2009) 9-10, 13.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai, ‘Missional Hermeneutics in the Malaysian Context.’ Encounters Mission Ezine. Issue 29 (2009).   Date Accessed: 5th June 2009.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Readings in Genesis (1-35): Abraham, Lot and Isaac.’ Light For Our Path 2010. Selly Oak: International Bible Reading Association, 2009, 66-71.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai and Lau King Lang, ‘Using the Bible in the Family as a Guide for Life.’ In Understanding and Using the Bible. Edited by Chris Wright and Jonathan Lamb. ISG 41. London: SPCK, 2009, Chapter 10, 152-66.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai dan Lau King Lang, ‘Menggunakan Alkitab sebagai Panduan Kehidupan Keluarga.’ Dalam Memahami dan Berbagi Firman Tuhan. Menyunting oleh Chris Wright and Jonathan Lamb. (BI Translation) Jakarta: Yayasan Pancar Pijar Alkitab, 2009, Bab 10.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Konselling Kristen dan Kitab Ayub.’ (BI Translation by Ery Prasadja) Jurnal Transformasi. Vol. 6.1 (2010) 1-8.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Conversion to Change: Power to Change.’ Light For Our Path 2011.  Selly Oak: International Bible Reading Association, 2010.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Ecclesiastes Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple Series. Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, 2010.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Deutero-Isaiah’s Oracles of Salvation: A Form-Critical Reinvestigation.’ Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Wales, 2011.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Book Review on Stanley Hauerwas’s Working With Words: On Learning to Speak Christian. Berita STM . Vol. 28.1 (May 2011) 7.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Prophets and Kings: Faith and Power in Old Testament.’ Kairos. (May 2011) 3-5.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘The Law of the LORD is Perfect.’ Kairos. (November 2011) 13-15.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Book Review of H. Mark Abbott’s A Psalm-Shaped Life. Berita STM. Vol 28.4 (2011) 4.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Passing the Baton: Meditations from Paul’s Second Letter to Timothy. STM Series. Singapore: Genesis, 2012.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Lamentations Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple Series. Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, 2012.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Promised Messiah in the Old Testament.  Kairos. (May 2012) forthcoming.
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. ‘Wisdom: Call of Wisdom.’ Light For Our Path 2012. Selly Oak: International Bible Reading Association, (forthcoming).
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. Book Review of Garnett Reid’s Intentional Integrity: Ten Life Strategies for Wholeness from the Book of Job. (forthcoming).
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. The Song of Songs Made Simple. The Old Testament Made Simple Series. Petaling Jaya: Pustaka SUFES, (forthcoming).
Anthony Loke Yin-Fai. A Guide to Isaiah. ISG. London: SPCK, (forthcoming)
