water system at gezer

Who Built the Water System at Gezer? A Preliminary Assessment of the Renewed Excavations

By: Dan Warner
In 1907, the Irish archaeologist Robert S. Macalister found an anomaly during his pioneering excavations at Gezer. He thought it was a reservoir but the feature turned out to be one of the largest, if not the largest, water systems in the ancient Near East[i].
Macalister's Excavation Showing Entrance To Water System, Looking South,  From Macalister (Gezer I, Fig. 132)
Macalister’s Excavation Showing Entrance To Water System, Looking South, From Macalister (Gezer I, Fig. 132)
But no sooner had he cleared it out, a severe winter storm hurled his debris back in sealing it for over 100 years and leaving it untouched until recently. But some of the fog maybe lifting concerning certain unanswered questions, left by Macalister so long ago[ii]

